W11 Juniperus chinensis
Species:: Juniperus chinensis Source:: Kfar HaNassi Juniper Nursery Location:: Growfield Home Base 01 Started:: 2021
Named after the Chinese philosopher Zengzi as I'll try name most of the Chinese junipers after.
The initial styling that I did was a bit drastic although there is still some green on the branch and luckily there is still a safety branch for me to work with. I will remove the wire and then also give the tree a repot before letting it recover over the next year.
Current Status
The tree is not strong enough for grafts and my grafting material is not ready yet. I need to get the tree strong in 2023 and really growing strong so that in 2024 I will be able to graft
Work Notes
- Zengzi first styling 2021-10-08
- Zengzi Winter Status 2022-01-08
- Zengzi Spring Status 2022-04-07
- Zengzi Summer Status 2022-07-30
- Zengzi Autumn Status 2022-12-03