Tankled Tanuki

Bonsai Collection

Y30 Styrax officinalis

Species:: Styrax officinalis Source:: Bat Shlomo Location:: Growfield Home Base 01 Started:: 2022


After collecting late in the Yamadori season he was definitely on his knee's and the foliage was just dying and not really hardening off. I put him into the greenhouse and within a few weeks life seems to return. After Spring I put him into the Growfield Home Base 01 and just kept an eye but there weren't even root escaping at the end of the year so seems he still has at least anther year of recovery in 2023 to regain strength.


Current Status

20230313_114443.jpg 2023-03-13


20221204_141838.jpg 2022-12-04

20220630_181635.jpg 2022-06-30

20220607_053334.jpg 2022-06-07

Work Notes