Tankled Tanuki

Bonsai Collection

Y21 Quercus ithaburensis

Species:: Quercus ithaburensis Source:: Yamadori Hunting 001 Location:: Growfield Home Base 01 Started:: 2022


This was from Yamadori Hunting 001 with Yonatan Gal near Kibbutz Mishmarot

During Lesson 21 with Ofer Grunwald we went over a bit of a cleanup and branch selection. Ofer also told me and showed how that bottom trunk without bark will always look odd so it should be planted lower and maybe even consider doing a ground layer.

Current Status

20230512_114304.jpg 2023-05-12


20220415_071046.jpg 2022-04-15


20220407_145538.jpg 2022-04-07

![IMG-20220112-WA0022 1.jpg](/img/IMG-20220112-WA0022 1.jpg) 2022-02-12

Work Notes